Thursday, October 29, 2015


So after 22 hours of flying, a 2 hour layover in Singapore, and losing an entire day somewhere, (seriously, what happened to Saturday!?), I arrived bright and early, to the wonderfully warm and sunny city of Sydney, Australia.

After picking up my bags and being singled out to be sniffed by the security dog, I was ready to start my big adventure...cue apology text from my sister saying she'd lost her keys, please could I catch a taxi? No sweat. I'm a traveller. Free spirit even, lets go!!

So how was my first week? Well things I learned: drinking too much on your first night, combined with jet lag gives you the MOTHER of all hangovers. Avoid at all costs. Talking of costs, the cost of living in Australia is generally higher - hello $4.50 600ml cokes. *sob*. And don't be fooled by the assumption it is always sunny, I have been stuck in some pretty crazy (yet impressive) rain storms.

But alas, everything else is great; despite the rain, it is warm, the scenery is beautiful*, there are dolphins and whales everywhere, and everyone here is uber fit & healthy. Seriously, I have never seen such a busy beach at 6am from people doing classes (surfing, running, swimming, stretching, walking etc.). I love it!!

So, after 7 days I have absolutely no regrets. Yes to the big move I say.

*sorry for the overload of instagram "Bondi Beach" snaps.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Post 1: "Pilot" - The explanation. 

Rewind seven years and you will find me, an 18 year old girl, 1 month into her new life living and studying in the US. It was during my college days that I created my first music blog dedicated to reviewing and recommending live gigs in London & NYC.

Now, seven years forward, I am ready to embark on my next adventure and relocate to Sydney, Australia. So here I am, writing the first post of my second blog "New Places New Tracks."

This blog will be my space to share my journey. I am excited, a little terrified, but mostly ecstatic to be starting a new life, in a new city, with new cultures. So despite my new social status: homeless, jobless and friendless, I am ready. Life is short. Why not take a few risks once in a while!?